Time for a break

Just another quick note to say that I have not forgotten this post. Classes finished at the university and us locals are having more fun than getting productive work done. Squirrel hunting is a new recreation for me. I haven't successfully killed one yet, but I get to shoot the 12 gauge. I've run around to see friends here, but haven't done worth beans keeping in touch with friends and family that are away. So this week is dedicated to trying to do some of that (does this count as partial credit?).
I thought I would go through some of my pictures tonight while I had some time between fun and games. So I am including some pictures from Monument Valley, Arizona - Navajo Tribal Park. Exceptionally beautiful place at sunrise, and my campsite was perfect for watching just that. A good memory refreshed by pictures.

Duane, my "secret" is to go to amazing places and take mediocre pictures that look great because the subject is so much more awe-inspiring.
Anyways, I will head to Mom's for Christmas. Christmas Day, Brian and I will help Grandma do the cooking for her traditional Christmas feast. Breakfast with Mom and Brian, then cooking with Grandma makes the holiday special for me, the rest is just bonus.
God bless and keep you all these holidays.
"For to us a Child is born, to us a Son is given; and the government shall be upon His shoulder, and His name shall be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." (Isaiah 9:6)
Well, I am not sure if MY vote counts - but I think you get credit for the blog! These things are an amazing way to stay connected with people and have the illusion that you are communicating more often than you might be.
Oh - I don't think you can call your pictures mediocre. If they are then you are the luckiest guy in the world on chance framing. All of your images have very good composition and use of the rules of thirds, leading lines, and all the basics. I really think that you must have taken a photography class or something - however it would be even more impressive if you hadn't. Either way - people that do go to class sometimes just don't get it... You do...
Brad, you do go to amazing places, but you also take amazing shots - wow!
Happy Holidays!
Enough with the break already. Do something with this blog, please.
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