Spring into autumn

So it goes in Fayetteville during October, frost one night then a few days later it is T-shirt and shorts weather. No wonder so many of us are coughing and feeling sick. But the scenery makes it all worthwhile to me.

The fall colors are about at their peak. There are probably a few more to come but the best have been this last week. I am glad that I was paying attention this year. My favorites have been the trees still in the midst of changing, sometimes the individual leaves caught in the act of draining away the green to reveal their reds and yellows, like this "poinsetta tree"

I have reveled in the beauty of it all, the pagentry of nature. If the trees clung to their life, these brilliant colors would never be revealed to our eyes. Yet as they lose their appearance of life, the splendor within shines forth, if only briefly. And in so doing, the tree preserves its life for new birth next spring. No wonder the ancients wondered so at the change of the seasons. I would be foolish to do no less.

Part of the reason for having the time to admire this autumn is my schedule change this last week. I was spending time outside walking a friend of mine's dog while he attended his father's funeral in Florida. Driving across town and strolling through Fayetteville's green-friendly zoning laws made for time to savor the feast for the eyes. Plus, while I was home this Saturday afternoon, Mom and I went out to take pictures of the colors and enjoy one of the last warm days we'll have this year. Ahh, life can be chaotic, but it is more palatable when I concentrate on these little things.
"Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit." (John 12:24)
Wow, the fall colors are very beautiful. Thanks for sharing with those of us in the desert.
Oh how I miss the "seasons". The pictures are beautiful and you seem in good spirits.
Glad to share with those desert bound folks. If it weren't for the times in the desert, we wouldn't appreciate what we have. Or vice-versa if you happen to like the desert compared to allergy central or big city.
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