Labor done

Labor Day came just in time. This morning I proved to myself that I was indeed tired. I took a long nap after breakfast! But then I felt like doing something and cut some firewood for Mom and drove the tractor and brushhog for a while. A sense of accomplishment. Sunday I had preached twice, hung out with Mom and Brian (he and I jabbered like crazy, literally, most of the afternoon). Then Sunday evening I stopped to check on Grandma. She hasn't been feeling good, but she was really pleased and perked up a little bit when I showed her my pictures of Gene, Denise, and their families. But almost 93 years of living takes a toll on the strongest of us I guess. The spirit is willing, but the body is weak. I really admire her for her toughness and love for us kids.
It has been busy with work. Autumn means football season and that means for us at ABS parking cars for the games. This last Saturday was a big game between the Hogs and the USC Trojans. They whupped our team, but we parked around 120 cars in our yards. Long day but good for us. Our ministry here is heavily funded by people paying to park in our yard. So we have ulterior motives for hoping that our team does well the rest of the year.
Otherwise, just a couple humorous shots to go. One is my ninja brother wielding dual rakes against the apple tree, it surrendered less than 10 apples. The other is my ballcap after a tree branch fed my cap to the brushhog. Apparently, it only took one whack to make the big cut in the bill before ripping it right off the rest of the hat. Moral of the story, there are lots of dangers on the farm. More importantly, do not stick anything under the brushhog that you wouldn't want mangled.

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day." (2 Corinthians 4:16).
Oh, and to respond to comments past. Yep, the tractor cage is one of Dad's improvements. It stops alot of branches from smacking me in the face (though not everything)! And it keeps me from falling out! Thanks for the encouragement on my photos, Donna and Duane(I take more pics than I can really post as is). And yes, if my affection for my old truck and tractor ain't evidence enough, I like being a hick.
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