Seriously, it's snowing.
It's kinda funny how weather works. I was intending this week to tease Duane about how hot it was there in California (see his April 1 blog), and here in Arkansas our high temperature was probably what his air conditioner was set on (72 degrees). So this would normally be the point where you expect me to say how hot it suddenly got here and we were sweating profusely like he was out there.
Seriously, it's snowing. The temperature started dropping Tuesday night, even more yesterday, and today it went crazy, below freezing twice. My guys were at a track meet next door to my house when it started snowing! In Arkansas! In April! Now our temperature is nearly what his refrigerator is set on. It is supposed to be cold tomorrow (Good Friday) and gradually warm up through the weekend so that Monday it should be back to seasonable.
By the way, part of the issue for the blog has been moving to an apartment without consistent internet (it has faded out three times since I started writing this). I used to have both wired network as well as wireless in my bedroom. Now there is no wire and that same wireless router is across the yard a ways. We are working on buying another wireless router for a house closer to my apartment. We'll see.
God bless and have a good Resurrection Sunday.
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