Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Still passing along...

This is for novelty more than anything. I'm at someone else's house, doing a quick blog just because I can. Since the last entry, I've been to Saint Louis, twice; Seneca, twice; Southwest City,thrice; Fayetteville, for no more than a week; and in a vehicle, way too much. Currently, I am in Mishawaka IN, visiting a friend who is visiting his family. It's been great catching up, challenging to think about issues and concepts I have neglected in my mind, and refreshing. Plus last night, I savored spending the night with my aunt and uncle at their refuge. Refuge is valuable for nomadic characters like myself.

Some part of me never feels totally settled, wherever I am. Perhaps part of that wanderlust is that part of our soul that hungers for that "city which has foundations, whose builder and maker is God." He designed our heart to desire something more than what this world could deliver, since this world like this life is only temporary and only with God through Christ is there permanence and eternal security. But perhaps not all of humanity still feels that sojourner's drive that I feel. And perhaps not all of mine is that hunger for eternal life with God*. But then...

Anyways, plenty of time to think while driving alone through the interminable corn fields of Illinois and Indiana. No real breakthroughs in my thoughts but not without its simple pleasures. Cell phone calls, Adrian Rogers on CD, and chances to stand.

* - "And this is eternal life, that they know You the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom You have sent. " (John 17:3).


At 22:49, Blogger Duane said...

Dude - you continue to amaze me with your imagery. Your photograph is simple but beautiful. Art is something different for everyone but I really like your work and enjoy seeing what you are going to come shoot next.


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